Au Pair/Pompano Beach, Florida


My children's Mother, my wife, died almost 8 years ago.As their Father I have tried to ensure no interruptions in their activities over the years.My son is now 19 and will be entering college in the Fall.He was a captain of the football team and an honors student.My daughter Helen is 13 and in middle school.I must leave by 7:20 and for now I prefer she be accompanied to her bus stop around the corner by 7:50.Once others arrive she can be left with them.She may be on her own next school year though.The trick is to ensure she is up by 7:10 AM.I would like her to go home after school rather than attend the after school program which was getting boring for her.She is in the 6th grade.It would be nice if she could have a friend over once in awhile during the week.Still she will need to get her homework done and get to a field hockey practice or a basketball practice or a softball practice.Sometimes by 5 PM I make all games, school functions, and get to the practices, but getting her home and ready from her daycare in a timely manner has been getting more and more difficult for me.TV or reading, unless there is a female in the house (lot of talking.. Weekends are sports or errands. She is back by 3:50.Needing to be picked up.Weekends she may have a friend over, especially in the summer.We have an in-ground heated pool.My son stays out of the way, he occasionally has some friends over in our game room downstairs on a weekend that is about it for him around home, other than TV or on the computer.He has his own car.We have a big house that I just renovated last year.We have an extra bedroom upstairs and an empty, large office room on the first floor.I have a car that an au pair can drive.Driving is essential.We visit my family in Fairfield CT on holidays and special occasions which the au pair is welcome to go with us.So, it is a wake up call in the morning, some attention late in the afternoon.It is not a typical day job and every night with nothing.There is a lot of down time and some need for you to be around for a few hours at night, especially in the Fall.Helen will play cards, games or shoot pool with you, or whatever you wish.There is not a lot of work involved I would say, but a big help to me!Tillträde: Hösten -09 Eget boende, betald semester.Studiemedel 500-1000 dollar.Hemreseskydd vid allvarlig familjesituation.4 dagars kurs i NY innan ankomst till familjen.Regelbundna Au Pairmöten i USA.Vi gör regelbundna intervjuer på orter runt om i Sverige.


Liknande jobb

20 augusti 2010


21 augusti 2010

Specialist Applikationssäkerhet

21 augusti 2010

23 augusti 2010