Datainsamlare Falun


Do you have a part-time job already and looking for a job where you can earn some extra money?

We need a person to collect information from specific locations sometime between 11:00 and 14:00, on weekdays. Estimated work time is less than 30 minutes per day. The information will be sent by your mobile phone or entered by the internet in our system.

We are looking for someone who:
- is independent and careful
- has a valid driving licence
- owns a car
- is familiar with internet technology
- is comfortable with communicating in English

Please send an updated copy of your CV and a covering letter by e-mail.

Informed Sources is an international company which began operating as a provider of information for the petroleum industry in Australia in 1987. We have extensive experience in gathering, review, compile, process, disseminate and report market information in a variety of industries in a proper and timely manner. We have offices in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Norway, and is now under establishment in Sweden.

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Project coordinator Adam Dondajewski
+46 855 924246
Project coordinator Adam Dondajewski
+46 855 924246
Field Manager Adam Dondajewski
+46 855 924246


  • 1 plats
  • 6 månader eller längre
  • Deltid
  • Fast lön
  • 6 månader eller längre/Deltid
  • Publicerat: 5 december 2013


Grimstagatan 36
16256 Vällingby



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