DevOps - AWS Engineer - DigitalRoute


We deliver where others fail
Agile Search offers high quality recruitment services focused on C-level positions and IT-specialists. We work with outreach and social recruiting methodology in order to reach the market’s best candidates. We are dedicated to our work with a strong focus on quality and on-time delivery.
We have a strong track record in recruitment to the professional services and IT industry. What we believe to be of utmost importance to succeed is a customer-oriented dialogue, a high energy level and a strong knowledge of both recruitment and the requirements needed for individuals to be successful in the professional services and IT industry.

It is highly probable that at some point in time your data has passed through technology from our client DigitalRoute. If you turn on the heating in your house, travel by airplane, buy a train ticket or make a call with your phone from anywhere in the world! There is a great chance that the company behind these services use our technology to work with their data. You may not know about them, but the companies you trust to provide these daily services certainly do.
At their office, located in the centre of Stockholm. They promote self-organizing cross-functional teams, a flat hierarchy and flexible working hours to give all their employees a good work/life balance. Because of their large customer base, each with a different set of requirements, there is always a new challenge and you will most certainly find projects that align with your passions.
As a DevOps and AWS engineer at DigitalRoute you will

Have your head in the cloud and help them reach new heights in AWS
Build, operate SaaS and PaaS solutions based on DigitalRoute technology in AWS
Be a part of our DevOps journey, scaling up our organisation with some more DevOps and development teams, moving the business to the cloud
Use tools and services such as AWS, Git, Jenkins
Drive change where it is needed
Create gargantuan scale data processing solutions with real-time performance demands

We think you

Have experience in using AWS and Terraform to build and run scalable solutions in the Cloud
Love solving problems with scripting
Have worked in challenging environments with exciting technologies and tools, learnt a lot and are ready for more
Are a team player who thrives in an environment where solving technically challenging problems on a daily basis is the norm.
Like to develop into certain areas, be it AWS, Machine Learning, Docker, Kubernetes, performance optimization or Blockchain

You also love table tennis, chess, football, brain wracking games or a good time at the pub across the street. All work and no play is not the DigitalRoute way!


  • Arbetsplats: Agile Search
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Månadslön
  • Heltid 100% Tillsvidare
  • Publicerat: 19 februari 2018




Stockholm, 11124

Liknande jobb

Component Owner

Component Owner

11 juni 2024



11 juni 2024