Fullstack Java Developer


We deliver where others fail
Agile Search offers high quality recruitment services focused on C-level positions and IT-specialists. We work with outreach and social recruiting methodology in order to reach the market’s best candidates. We are dedicated to our work with a strong focus on quality and on-time delivery.
We have a strong track record in recruitment to the professional services and IT industry. What we believe to be of utmost importance to succeed is a customer-oriented dialogue, a high energy level and a strong knowledge of both recruitment and the requirements needed for individuals to be successful in the professional services and IT industry.

Linkon was founded 15 years ago by a small team of highly talented and experienced rail and IT professionals with just one aim: to create the best end-to-end solution to enable borderless rail travel for passengers and seamless clearing and settlement for ticket providers and carriers. Something air travel has enjoyed for decades.
With Linkon’s software systems, carriers, suppliers and agents can offer their customers one ticket (that can include travel by bus, train and taxi to many destinations) in one transaction.
No other software can create one ticket for multiple legs of an international land journey and ensure that ticket vendors’ accounts are settled so quickly.
There are now 23.5 million bookings a year through Linkon’s software and over 3,000 users of their sales applications. Linkon’s experienced and visionary management team is not just changing international train ticketing, the company is dedicated to improving passengers’ journeys from door to door.
Would you like to work in a company that handles 24 million bookings per year, in a complex transaction intensive environment?
Linkon is expanding our development team in Stockholm and are looking for highly skilled Java developers.
Join a fast-paced environment where Linkon´s customers expect a rock solid platform with excellent availability, capable of handling millions upon millions of transactions.
Linkon´s development teams are small and agile and focus on code quality.
When you start working at Linkon, be prepared for a flying start - most likely you'll be committing code aimed for production in your first week.
Linkon is located right in the middle of the city, two minutes from Stockholm Central Station.
With a vision of creating seamless mobility in ground travel and the transportation industry as a whole, Linkon use cutting-edge technology, connecting carriers and travelers across multiple channels and geographic areas.
If you're looking for a great fullstack project in a sustainable and reputable company, this might be your opportunity!

What we expect of you:
You are a skilled Java developer who knows SQL and web services, and are no stranger to the frontend (we thought of a lot of buzzwords to put here, but truth be told, we don't care too much about buzz. What matters is ability and drive).
You speak Swedish and good English.
This role is handled by Agile Search. If you are interested, apply using the button below. It only takes a minute.


  • Arbetsplats: Agile Search Stockholm
  • 2 platser
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Månadslön
  • Heltid 100% Tillsvidare
  • Publicerat: 11 november 2017




Stockholm, 11124

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