Junior Embedded Linux Developers

Junior Embedded Linux Developers


Do you have a passion for technology, especially combining hardware with software?
Do you have experience using Raspberry Pi and/or Arduino?
Would you like to work and learn from the best in the business?
Do you have an education in Computer Science or similar?
Do you have the right motivation and are willing to invest in your own career?
Are you experienced in either C, C++ or Python?

Then perhaps our new embedded Linux software team could be something for you?

Looking forward to talking circuits with you.

About Insert Talent

At Insert Talent, we believe in the power of meaning and putting your talents to the best possible use. We help professionals find the place where they can make a difference, where a clear direction and diversity in perspectives and skills helps the individual contribute to a larger whole.

Would you like to see where your wings can take you with the right tasks, colleagues and visions? Would you like to unleash the creativity, professionalism and productivity that you know you harbor?

Let us help you take the first step!



  • Arbetsplats: Insert Talent AB
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 4 mars 2020
  • Ansök senast: 31 maj 2020


Strandbergsgatan 12, Stockholm


Strandbergsgatan 12
Stockholm, 11251

Liknande jobb

13 juni 2024