Junior Hardware and Firmware developer.


Arduino Verkstad AB is a lean-driven research, development, and project implementation company specifically focused on education and rapid corporate prototyping. We use Arduino products as a central driver for these efforts in order to develop and explore their current and future applications. Additional development and education is conducted through workshops, events, and lectures in local and international capacities.
Arduino Verkstad AB, the Swedish branch of Arduino SA, the open source hardware company, is looking for a Junior Hardware and Firmware developer.
You should imagine your weeks to look as follows:
- Monday: sketch a new PCB design for a product-¬to-¬be, quickly make a proof of concept on a breadboard and present it to your team in the afternoon

- Tuesday: spend some time in our educational forum attending questions from some of our teachers and kids around the world
- Wednesday: revise a bug in the firmware to an existing product and send a pull request into the github repository
- Thursday: solder a first prototype of a board by hand and make sure the basic features respond to the specifications
- Friday: tune the configuration file for our pick and place machine for a small series of boards
- Working times: we build projects, you mark your times as long as you provide.
- Percentage: we are looking for people that can start working at least 60%.

Arduino Verkstad AB is working with different projects, and therefore we are looking for a dynamic person with proficency in PCB design, writing firmware, microcontroller technology, building electronic prototypes using Arduino boards and programming languages like C and Java.
Arduino Verkstad AB collaborates with different partners in creating educational content for schools and universities. You have to be ready to travel to test concepts directly at the users' facilities. At the moment we are expecting to expand in Latinamerica, therefore proficiency in Spanish is required.
Arduino SA is a small multinational with offices in 5 countries, you should be ready to collaborate in projects with members of the other Arduino branches. Therefore we are looking forward to get applications of people with social skills and an interest in culture.
Arduino Verkstad AB works under a "zero micromanagement policy", you should be able of getting tasks ¬after an initial training period¬ and run a project by yourself, reporting directly to our project manager and our business developer. Each project is worked out in different teams and you
might get budgetarial responsibilities soon.
We welcome applicants from the whole world, willing to build a career in Sweden. Being able of communicating in Spanish is mandatory, please save your and our time if this is not the case.

- Office is in Malmö, Sweden and this is where we need you to work from.
- If you are not a swedish speaker, we want the 40% of your non-working hours to be dedicated to SFI (swedish course).


  • Arbetsplats: Arduino Verkstad AB
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Salary: to be discussed considering your application
  • Tillsvidare
  • Publicerat: 7 januari 2014


Stapelbäddsg 3


MALMÖ, 21119

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