Linux teknisk skribent för nätverksprodukt (CPE)

Linux teknisk skribent för nätverksprodukt (CPE)


HiMinds söker en teknisk skribent inom nätverksprodukter. Uppgiften går ut på att skapa dokumentation för mjukvaran i nätverksprodukter.
Har du ett genuint intresse för teknik och hårdvara? Då kan du vara den vi letar efter.

Kompetenskrav som underlättar skapandet av dokumentationen:

- Kunskaper i konfiguration av Linux system med fokus på nätverksdelar som DNS, brandväggar, DHCP, wireless, VPN etc.
- Mycket goda kunskaper i nätkommunikation, t.ex. TCP/IP, Wireshark, UDP, HTTP/HTTPS, WLAN
- Meriterande kunskaper inom CPE produkter och Triple-play
- Meriterande kunskaper inom VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, DSL och fiber
- Talar flytande svenska och engelska


As part of HiMinds, your main goal is to help our customers, their success is our success. We always stay humble and kind, perfect our craft and deliver what is expected. Always present ourselves as the professionals we are.

HiMinds is the first company in Sweden to get certified by the Open Source Hardware Association!

We are honoured to join the pioneers of the open hardware community such as Arduino, BeagleBone, AdaFruit and Olimex, to name a few in their quest to create open hardware with our humble wireless environmental sensor project. The project contains both open source software and open-source hardware, something we are very passionate about.

Every month all our colleagues from HiMinds gather for our monthly meeting. The purpose of the meetings is to explore new technologies, get inspired and share our knowledge. We believe that this is an excellent way of uniting us and show appreciation for each other.

Most of our monthly meeting topics are published on Medium, and the source code is on GitHub.

Open Source Hardware Association:


  • Arbetsplats: HiMinds Stockholm AB
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 9 november 2020
  • Ansök senast: 9 december 2020

Liknande jobb

Control System Integrator

Control System Integrator

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AWS Platform Engineer

AWS Platform Engineer

8 juni 2024