Nu söker vi efter en Kartograf till Norge!


Nu söker vi efter en Kartograf till Norge för kunds räkning. För kontaktuppgifter till arbetsgivaren eller för att söka på tjänsten går ni in på: Experience datachart processing and projects? datachart processing subsea Data Processors and Cartographers are responsible for processing survey data and producing charts and database of the seabed and subsea facilities surveyed. These roles involve the use of specialized data processing software for analyzing data and mapping software for chart production. These positions also involve the use of CAD (Computer-Aided Drafting) packages for final chart production and increasingly GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software for delivering integrated project results. We are also looking for persons to be in charge of data processing and also represent the company in projects directly with our clients and subcontractors. Qualifications required: HND or above in cartography, land surveying, hydrographic surveying, topographic science, mapping science, geographic information science, geomantic or related disciplines. Appropriate military or industrial training & experience is also acceptable. Tiltredelse: snarest Lnn: e.a Sektor: Privat Varighet: Fast Sknad på stillingen merkes datachart subsea Sknadsfrist snarest Vänligen ange att ni sökt tjänsten via Worknorway.


Liknande jobb

20 augusti 2010


21 augusti 2010

Specialist Applikationssäkerhet

21 augusti 2010

23 augusti 2010