Post doc position


Post doc position

refnr E 36 328/10

Pathogenesis of muscle diseases

A postdoctoral position is available at the institute of Biomedicine, department of Pathology.The research concerns studies on human muscle diseases to identify the genetic aetiology and the pathogenesis leading to impaired function.The studies involve cell biological techniques including morphology, tissue culturing, molecular biological investigations, and genetics.

Applicants must have completed a PhD (less than 3 years since the PhD degree) in cell biology, biomedicine, molecular biology or genetics and have good practical skills in laboratory work.Experience in proteomics would be of value.The position is for one year with a possibility of a one-year extension.

For further information, contact Prof.
The application should be organized as follows:
2.Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages).
3.Scientific track record (max 2 pages) describing your scientific contributions to your own research field.
5.Examination certificate
6.Names and addresses (including e-mail addresses) of three scientists that can provide references.

Send the application, including Ref No E 36 328/10, to the following address: Registrar, Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University, Box 400, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden.The finial date for the application to reach the Registrar is 15 February 2010.



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Postdoktor inom medicinsk teknologi

Postdoktor inom medicinsk teknologi

5 oktober 2023