Principals needed for new schools


Internationella Engelska Skolan plans to start four new schools this August - in Stockholm, Umeå and Falun.

The right Principals are essential to provide leadership from the planning process onwards and to run highly successful schools.
We are looking for committed professional candidates who are dedicated to what we stand for:
Command of the English Language
A safe and orderly school environment where teachers teach and students learn.
High academic aspirations and expectations.
To apply send a CV and covering letter marked Stockholm, Umeå or Falun, by Friday 20 December to our CEO -

Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group (?friskola?), reaching academic results far above average. It was founded in 1993 by Ms Barbara Bergstrom, a science teacher originally from the US.
Over 15 000 students are currently enrolled in our 22 schools around the country, mainly grades 4-9 in? Grundskolan?.
IES is the largest free school organization in the compulsory school system in Sweden. The company has a turnover of approximately 1 300 million SEK (2013-14) and 1 500 members of staff. It is in a phase of rapid expansion.
More about the company and its schools can be found at

Artiklar i detta ämnet

  1. Utbildningsmaterial för att skydda barns hörsel

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Rektor Maria Segerstedt

assistant principal Bi Winberg
Rektor Maria Segerstedt

CEO Ralph Riber

HR-chef Nina Holst Eriksson



Regulatorvägen 11


Nytorpsvägen 5A
Täby, 18353

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