Resource Pedagogue Middle Years Programme to ISH

Resource Pedagogue Middle Years Programme to ISH


Du vill något. Det vill vi med! Vi vill skapa värde och bidra till livskvalitet för våra invånare, företag, organisationer och besökare. Vi gör det genom att lyssna, hjälpas åt, testa, lära oss och sen testar vi igen. Här är allt möjligt för dig som vill skapa, förändra, vårda, bygga, vägleda, utvecklas och göra skillnad. För Helsingborg är staden för dig som vill något.

Helsingborgs stads skolor är en resursstark och värdestyrd organisation. Här blir du som medarbetare en viktig del i vår gemensamma vision att skapa den bästa skolan för varje barn och elev. the workplace
ISH was established in 1995 to answer a growing demand for international education at the Primary and Secondary levels. Today, we have approximately 800 students between 3 and 19 years of age attending our school across all programmes. The school delivers the International Baccalaureate curriculums. 

Our teachers come from more than 30 different countries all over the world, and the same goes for our students. English is the primary language at the school. 

Our Preschool, Primary and Middle School programmes offer an alternative for international families who are residing in the Helsingborg region on a temporary basis, or for those moving overseas. Our Diploma Program is an excellent choice for all students, Swedish or International, looking to further their studies abroad or in Sweden, once they graduate. The aim of our school is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. 

ISH prides itself on its international uniqueness and diversity of teaching staff and students. Each and every one of them brings something exciting and enriching to the school which creates an inspiring environment. IB diploma results are considerably higher than the IB world average on grades, points and diploma achievement.

We are currently seeking a “resource pedagogue” interested in working in a multicultural environment. The main focus of the assignment involves supporting students with their individual learning needs. You would work as part of the student support department who work collaboratively to ensure the learning needs of all students are met. 

Students are taught according to the Middle Years Program IB curriculum. The support department, alongside teachers, differentiates this curriculum according to students' needs.

The “resource pedagogue” would also work as part of the mentorship team for a grade level where they would provide input into the social and emotional aspects of the students as well as the academic perspective. This would include communicating with parents/guardians about issues deemed important to the well-being of the student.

Other responsibilities of the assignment include assisting the student with self-management and organisational skills, motivating the student to take an active role in learning and working alongside teachers to effectively plan for and implement a differentiated program of study for the student.

You possess a degree/certificate in education or equivalent in child-care or social work at university level. Experience in working with students who have a diagnosis is preferred. Since we work in an international environment, it is a requirement of the position to be fluent in English, both in speaking and writing.

The successful candidate will be a strong team player and have the ability to work collaboratively with coworkers as well as students and parents. You communicate proactively; supports and cares for others and openly communicates self-insight.

You are a positive and service-minded person with a flexible approach to work. This means that you enjoy working with people and demonstrate an interest in and understanding of others. You have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and accept new ideas and change initiatives.

We expect you to be very familiar with modern digital technology and programmes and have previously used them to communicate with both students and staff. Preferably, you also have experience of IB software but this is not a requirement.

We look forward to receiving your application as soon as possible! Please send your CV and cover letter in English.

Other information
Last day of application: June 6th. We reserve the right to start the recruitment process before the last day of application. 

Employment: Part-time

Scope: 80%

Starting date: August 2021

Duration: June 2022

Antal tjänster: 1

I Helsingborgs stad gillar vi olika. Vi strävar efter att våra medarbetare ska spegla våra invånare och värnar om det värde som jämn könsfördelning samt mångfald tillför våra verksamheter.

Tjänsten tillsätts under förutsättning att tjänsten inte behöver tas i anspråk för redan tillsvidareanställda medarbetare.

Om du blir erbjuden tjänst inom förskola och skola eller öppen fritidsverksamhet ska du uppvisa giltigt utdrag från polisens belastningsregister

För att kvalitetssäkra rekryteringsprocessen i Helsingborgs stad använder vi rekryteringsverktyget ReachMee. Därför ber vi dig att skicka in din ansökan via ReachMee genom att klicka på ansökningslänken i annonsen. Du som söker jobb och har skyddade personuppgifter ska kontakta rekryterande chef i annonsen som kommer guida dig vidare för en säker ansökningsprocess. Du ska inte ansöka digitalt via ansökningslänken.

Då vi inför denna rekrytering redan tagit ställning till de rekryteringskanaler vi önskar använda undanber vi oss vänligen men bestämt att bli kontaktade för ytterligare erbjudanden om kompetensförmedling, annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp.


  • Arbetsplats: Helsingborgs stad
  • 1 plats
  • 6 månader eller längre
  • Deltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 21 maj 2021
  • Ansök senast: 6 juni 2021

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