Senior software engineer - Typescript

Senior software engineer - Typescript


Tech has always been at our core, ever since 2006 when founder Linus built the first version of Ridestore from his childhood bedroom. Since then, a lot has changed, but the focus on customers and tech remains. Fortunately, business has been good. This allows us to really build the dream company we want to work for. Some examples:

- We've been a remote team since 2014.
- We believe in autonomy and flexibility. We don’t run sprints, avoid meetings and try to do everything asynchronously. We want you to have a life and focus while you work.
- We try to approach decision-making in a decentralized way. You will have tremendous freedom in your work, along with great responsibility
- We automate everything that we can so that we can do as much as possible, being as few as possible
- Most importantly, we continuously strive to work with the smartest and most humble people we can find. We simply find it more fun this way.

What will you do?

You will be working as a senior software engineer in a small but very competent team. Initially, the focus will be on the back-office systems, essentially everything that is not the customer-facing website.

What’s our stack?

The interesting part of our tech stack for this role is:

- Full-stack Typescript
- React (typically NextJS or Vite)
- Serverless microservices using NodeJS runtimes through
- Event-based architecture on AWS
- Commercetools headless e-commerce platform
- Sentry & Honeycomb

We believe that you:

- Like feeling ownership of what you build.
We will give you tremendous freedom, but with that comes great responsibility; if something breaks, you will be the one to fix it; hence you will have to make sure to have the right monitors and alarms in place and craft neat, concise solutions that are easy to maintain.

- Have experience working in full-stack javascript environments (including databases, server administration, and monitoring)
We don’t have dedicated testers, Q/A, database engineers or dev-ops. You will get to wear all of these hats from time to time together with the team.

- Have worked with event/message-based architectures
This is how our services usually interact with the platform, which is the core of our product

- Have been part of setting up at least one full-stack web product from scratch
Quite commonly, you’ll be required to set up new micro-services or, in other ways, start from scratch

- Are a great communicator in text
99% of our communication happens asynchronously on Slack/Github/Zenhub etc. It’s key that we communicate clearly and concisely

- Have a business sense and are used to asking yourself and others, “why?”
We are a small team, so having an intuition or making sure what problem you are solving is essential

- Like working in a self-managed environment
We don’t run sprints, talk in story points or make sure you work the time you say you work. Your delivery is your responsibility.

Where you’ll do it?

Remotely (we prefer CET +-2h for hopefully obvious reasons). You’re welcome but not required to spend time in our only office in Gothenburg, Sweden. We meet in person once or twice yearly, usually in a ski resort.

Join us! We’ll offer you freedom in a passionate and somewhat snowy environment where you can greatly impact the Ridestore journey with your work.

Final note

In your application, please state your (tax) residency (since unfortunately, we are not able to work with all countries) and your earliest possible start date.


  • Arbetsplats: Ridestore
  • 1 plats
  • Tills vidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 13 oktober 2023
  • Ansök senast: 31 mars 2024

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