Software Developers, Configuration Mgrs, Product Owners and Scrum Masters

Software Developers, Configuration Mgrs, Product Owners and Scrum Masters


SEGULA Technologies AB is part of SEGULA Technologies Group, with presence in 28 countries and with more than 11.000 employees.
In Sweden our headquarter is located in Gothenburg, Lindholmen, with around 180 consultants and a strong footprint in automotive, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and naval industries.

Our mission is to boost competitiveness within all major industrial segments and to foster a close relationship with our customers thanks to the expertise of our employees and our global presence

Why people choose to join Segula? Our employees talks about the warm company culture, the personal reception and the company activities giving us a sense of belonging.

MSc or BSc in Computer Science, Computer Systems and Network, Software Engineering and Technology, Electrical Engineering or similar

Typical competencies:
- Agile methodologies, e.g. Scrum, SAFe
- AUTOSAR, Microservices architecture
- Functional Saftey ISO 26262
- RTE, Multi Core Environment
- Linux
- C/C++, Java, Android, MATLAB, Simulink, Python
- MySQL, MongoDb
- Git, Gerrit, Jenkins
SEGULA is growing and is currently expanding within Software Engineering. We are now looking for DESIGN ARCHITECTS, DEVELOPERS – functional development as well as TEST AUTOMATION and CI FRAMEWORK development. Also, we are looking for CONFIGURATION MANAGERS, PRODUCT OWNERS and SCRUM MASTERS. Initially, we will primarily address our automotive customers, supporting them in their transformation from managing system suppliers to in-house Agile SW development. Typical domains are Infotainment & Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Driving & Active Safety.

In the area of Software Engineering we offer services within embedded development as well as services closely related to the same, as for instance framework development for Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment. With our software expertise, we want to support our customers in ensuring high quality and speed in their development. Agile and Lean principals are core competencies among our Software Engineers.

Do you want to be part of shaping the software business within Segula? We realize we can only be successful with a team of very talented and passionate people. If you´re looking to work with Agile software development within automotive, with the possibility to move into other industry segments and having the possibility to get assignments abroad, then we think Segula is the right place for you!

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

HR-Recruiter Emelie Schelin
031 744 55 12
HR-Recruiter Emelie Schelin
031 744 55 12
HR-Recruiter Emelie Schelin
031-7445512 031-7445512
HR-Recruiter Camilla Tams
HR-Recruiter Camilla Tams
0730288694 0730288694
HR-Recruiter Camilla Tams
0760 47 23 12
HR-Recruiter Camilla Tams
031-744 55 12


  • Arbetsplats: SEGULA Technologies AB HISINGS BACKA
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 18 december 2020
  • Ansök senast: 1 januari 2021





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