Speciallärare / specialpedagog till årskurs 1-6


Here is an exciting opportunity to join a successful school. We are a multicultural school with close to half the staff and over half of the students having an international background. This mix of cultures makes for a very fun and engaging workplace.

We are looking for a Special Educator / Pedagogue who will support students both in and outside of the classroom. You will also work with preventative long-term measures such as guiding and coaching the teachers with effective integrated support. You will work together with our Special Teaching Team, the Student Care Team and the school's Leadership Team.


- Vara en del av skolans elevhälsoteam.
- Arbeta med elever i åk 1-6.
- Stödja elever i lärprocessen enskilt eller i grupp.
- Genomföra pedagogiska utredningar/kartlägga elevers behov.
- Skriva åtgärdsprogram och dokumentera andra elevstödjande insatser.
- Ge handledning till lärare i hur nivåanpassningar kan genomföras i klassrummet.
- Vara delaktig i planering av resursfördelningen samt kommunicera med berörda lärare och kringliggande team.


- Du har en lärarexamen i grunden med vidareutbildning i specialpedagogik alternativt studerar inom området eller har några års tidigare erfarenhet av liknande arbetsuppgifter.
- Din ambition är att få alla elever att komma till sin rätt utifrån sina förutsättningar och behov.
- Du har elevernas bästa i fokus.
- Du är lösningsfokuserad, flexibel och effektiv.
- Du visar på en bra samarbetsförmåga.
- Du är en bra kommunikatör.

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet.

We offer a positive and constructive work environment where everyone works together for the school's goals. We take care of our staff and offer a wide range of social activities and opportunities for professional development. Read more about our Ethos here: www.engelska.se/en/what-we-stand and www.engelska.se/en/what-we-do

If you are interested in joining us, please send an email with your CV and a personal letter to jobs.jonkoping@engelska.se with " Special Ed" as the subject line. The final date for applications is May 24th.


About the school and IES:
We have grown in size each year and in January 2015 we had approximately 820 students in years 1-9, making this the largest compulsory school in Jönköping County. In 2012 we were one of the first 8 schools in Sweden who started running a special advanced education (Spetsutbildning) approved by Skolverket.

Internationella Engelska Skolan is a leading independent school group (friskola), reaching academic results far above average. It was founded in 1993 by Ms Barbara Bergström, a science teacher, originally from the US. In 2009, she received the award "Entrepreneur of the year in Sweden". Over 15,000 students are currently enrolled in our 22 schools around the country and the organisation has close to 1300 members of staff. You can read more at www.engelska.se.

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Rektor årskurs 1-3 Therese Hulusjö
Biträdande rektor Alexandra Markovic
Lärarnas riksförbund Therese Brandt
Lärarförbundet Hanna Ledhagen
Biträdande rektor åk 4-6 Åse Norman
073-625 72 00
Lärarnas Riksförbund Therese Brandt
Lärarförbundet Hanna Ledhagen
Bitr rektor åk 1-3 Therese Hulusjö
073-625 72 16
Lärarnas riksförbund Therese Brandt
070-629 79 03
Lärarförbundet Hanna Ledhagen
073-832 59 03



Birkagatan 41


Birkagatan 41
Huskvarna, 56133

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