Front end Developer


Logic + computer = making stuff cool and pretty

That’s you, isn’t it? Because we’re now searching for a fellow front end Fyndian who knows how to create beautiful front end masterpieces.

You know that Javascript isn’t some coffee recipe :

And you actually think it’s kinda lame when HR people try to lure you by pulling coffee/code-jokes. Well, besides your high standards of coffee jokes you’ll have to have experience of front end /web development passion in your baggage. To master HTML5, CSS and Javascript on a daily bases is what gives you a small moment of joy. You like finding and working with different frameworks, tools or libraries.And hey, if you have know-how of turning a website responsive we might even high five you when we meet! Besides your epic coding skills you’re that kind of person people look at and silent ask themselves “Where does (insert your name) find the time to stay up to date with everything?” Yes, the innovative thinking you bring to the table can sometimes be questioned with madness. Don’t worry, all masters are misinterpreted until mainstream gets it, we know.

To be frontender #5

You’ll be experimenting with the latest techniques and tools to keep your knowledge to a cutting edge level in the front end world. You’ll make a clear difference to engineering team, where it’s quick decision-making, hard work, teamwork, results and great coding that counts. Plus, frontender #5 gets to work closely with our super data driven marketing team too.

Extra stuff about you which would make our Head of Engineering super happy: You’re a fast learner. You take pride in what your produce which means that after you’ve come up with all crazily beautiful and innovative ideas, you’re careful, accurate and DWC (deploy with care). You enjoy people and like working in a small team where everyone’s input counts. At Fyndiq your work will be seen hands-on, it’s not like your front ender nr 267 at that super big supercompany. On the contrary, at Fyndiq you’ll be frontender #5 and everyone listens to frontender #5.

What about this Fyndiq?

In 2014 Fyndiq was announced one of Europes’ fastest growing tech startups and since the five founders’ launched the marketplace platform in 2010 Fyndiq has managed to break even, close an investment round of 150 MSEK and is now preparing to cross boarders and turn internationally.

Currently, we’re 78 left and right-brained talents (that number will change as we’re averaging on 2 new fyndians per week), who all shape the unique and exciting work environment we take part of. Hey, we believe that if we’re going to spend 5 days a week at work, it’s sort of important to have great colleagues, a nice office and an interesting company culture.

You ready for this? Press apply, now, and let me, Jakob Wallöf, get back to you asap.

Mean while, if you have questions, this is where you’ll find me at or 072-577 57 11.

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

HR manager Anna Wikman
HR manager Anna Wikman
Researcher Jakob Wallöf
Jakob Wallöf
Reseracher Jakob Wallöf

Jakob Wallöf

Rekrytering och HR-chef Anna Wikman

Jakob Wallöf


Elinor Taiwo
072-507 57 19


  • Arbetsplats: FYNDIQ AB STOCKHOLM
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Lön enligt överenskommelse
  • Heltid Anställningstid enligt överenskommelse
  • Publicerat: 4 mars 2015





Liknande jobb

30 december 2023

30 december 2023