German speaking Copywriter


Guten tag, future Fyndian copywriter!

As you can see, we are not even skilled enough in the German language to write an entire sentence in German. On the other hand, we're one heck of a group of ambitious people who love bargains, and our goal is to build the global online bargain superstore. When doing that we have to move outside our comfortable Swedish zone and take our business to continental Europe. But we can’t do that with the sole help of Google Translate - we need a super skilled, native tongue German word wizard (a.k.a. copywriter) to help us bring the bargain gospel to the world.

Enter: You!

We know that you love the German language, know the nuances in it and have a gift in playing with with words until you get it just about perfect. Conceptual copywriting or punchy one-liners doesn’t matter, we know you master both. In fact, you enjoy the variety of challenges that pops up when taking the helm of the Fyndian German language. You are the captain when it comes to setting the tone in how Fyndiq should be perceived by consumers and merchants in Germany. Yes, you figured it out, the role is broad - from guiding fellow Fyndians in the search for perfection, to on-site copy and marketing.

This role has never existed at Fyndiq which means you'll have the opportunity to shape it together with your colleagues. You will be a part of our growing Brand department and consequently work in a small, tight team together with skilled, open minded, and driven people. You are self-propelled like some kind of a boat and a humble team player who enjoys to explore new ways of working. We think it’s important that you can see things from different perspectives and have the ability to communicate it with ease.

Prior to this you have probably spent 2-4 years working with something similar to what we are looking for, perhaps in an ad agency or a marketing department. It’s meritorious if you have a suitable education in your backpack. Your common tongue is German and you speak English fluently. If you know Swedish you will get a big high five. One thing that’s important is that you know the German way of life and culture by heart.

This position is based in Stockholm and our HR department will make sure that transition and settling down part will be as smooth and sweet as a luscious Berliner donut. FYI: we don't really have those here, but we'd love to show you what a kanelbulle is. So, just click on the apply-button, show us who you are and let us take care of the rest. Now that's easy peasy!

If you have any questions concerning what a kanelbulle is, or the job position, don't hesitate to contact me, Jakob, on or +46725775711. 

Fyndiq, delivering small moments of joy

Back in August 2010, Fyndiq opened its virtual doors and entered the Swedish commerce market. From the get go the plan was for the startup tech company to take over the bargain world and provide bargain hunters across the country with small moments of joy. Joy? Yes, joy! The joy takes place when great merchants are connected with bargain hungry shoppers who are seeking great products to even greater prices through a platform, what some refer to as a marketplace. And now, in 2015, after closing an investment round of 150 MSEK Fyndiq is crossing borders and launching in…. fantastische Deutschland!

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

HR manager Anna Wikman
HR manager Anna Wikman
Researcher Jakob Wallöf
Jakob Wallöf
Reseracher Jakob Wallöf

Jakob Wallöf

Rekrytering och HR-chef Anna Wikman

Jakob Wallöf


Elinor Taiwo
072-507 57 19


  • Arbetsplats: FYNDIQ AB STOCKHOLM
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Lön enligt överenskommelse
  • Heltid Anställningstid enligt överenskommelse
  • Publicerat: 1 april 2015





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