PhD student in mixing in multi-phase systems


Multi-phase mixing is one of the most common operations in the process industry. At present, however, it is not possible to scale up reliably from laboratory to production scale. In particular, we lack scaling rules for turbulent energy dissipation, which is a key parameter in coalescence/breakage of solid aggregates as well as bubbles and drops. We have so far in this project developed new experimental (LDA/PIV) and spectral analysis techniques for estimating local turbulent energy dissipation and macro-instabilities and applied them to single-phase systems. These methods will now be extended to multi-phase systems. The results will be compared with numerical CFD calculations. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council. Description of the position The position is limited to maximum five years and corresponds to full-time research studies during four years. In addition, teaching in the undergraduate or masters curriculi at Chalmers could be included corresponding to one year, teaching work distributed over the whole time of the position. A suitable background is Master of Science (Swedish: civilingenjör) in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering with Physics (Kf), Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Physics; specifically with interest in applied mathematics and transport phenomena.


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