Piping, Stiffness, FE-analysis


Influence of support stiffness in dynamic analysis of piping systems Utifrån en ny syn på konsultrollen erbjuder Epsilon ett brett urval av expertis inom teknik och systemutveckling. Med en organisation som är nyfiken, alert och flexibel skapar vi lösningar som tillför våra kunder och medarbetare betydande växtkraft, både på kort och lång sikt. Keywords: Piping, Stiffness, FE-analysis Background Within the discipline of mechanical engineering, a basic and fundamental requirement in the Nuclear Power Plant industry is to secure structural- and pressure integrity for pressure vessels and piping. In Sweden, the general design criteria?s is regulated by Swedish national laws and in detail in the code Boiler and Pressure Vessel code ASME III. The code sets boundaries for the design. A part of the verification is to perform dynamic FE-analyses of piping systems. Typical dynamic loads in our piping systems are water hammers and global vibrations such as earthquake. To obtain reasonable correct boundary conditions the stiffness of pipe supports and other pipe connections is calculated and included in the model. Since a number of rough estimations are done, the stiffness used could normally be treated as a best possible approximation. The size of the error introduced by this is not fully known. Task Description The task is to explore the effect of support stiffness in piping analysis and also estimate the error introduced by estimations and approximations done. Examples of important approximations: 1) No effect from gaps considered 2) One single stiffness used in both +/- direction at a restraint The objectives of the work are to: - Search existing literature, articles and studies within this topic. - Investigate requirements within the Nuclear Piping Code ASME III. - Perform FE-analyses on a piping system and explore influence of different parameters and approximations. Välkommen med din ansökan på www.epsilon.nu! Enligt Universums undersökning KarriärBarometern 2010 är Epsilon, för fjärde året i rad, en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare. Undersökningen genomförs årligen och omfattar intervjuer med närmare 29 000 yrkesverksamma akademiker som fått betygsätta sin arbetsgivare.


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