Python/Django Developer


When you think about coding in Python, what’s your reaction?

Do you think that writing code in such a dynamic language cannot be anything but stimulating?

Maybe you also feel that Python’s readability is the best since sliced bread?

Would you agree that Python enables flexibility?

Would you like to have a beer with Guido van Rossum?

Yes? And do you also know Django? Great, then I’d love if you continue reading these lines of text. Cause a lot of people here at Fyndiq would agree with you. And even though we at Fyndiq think it’s important with different thoughts, ideas and ways of seeing things, these opinions above is a big deal for us (maybe not the beer with Guido, that’s not important at all really, but the rest).

So why should I continue read, you might ask yourself

And that’s a good questions. But it’s weird sitting there asking yourself questions. Please, stop doing that. But you should keep on reading because you might feel that Fyndiq’s Engineering team is a place you would like to call “work”. This team consist of a bunch of really skilled developers, creating elegant, simple solutions that scale well. They work in a way that is inspired by the open source community and the work rely on communication via GitHub.They are using and experimenting with the latest and greatest techniques and tools to keep their knowledge to a cutting edge level. Last but not least, they are together defining the specifications and the scope of varying projects creating the product of Europe’s 6th fastest growing tech startup about to conquer the world.

Still a little interested?

Maybe not just a little? I hope so, and I also hope that you know MySQL or other relational databases, have prior experience of Django and think it’s positive to work with web development in a team with people from all around the globe. So take that mouse of yours and press the apply button and I’ll show you where our Office Manager hides all the candy. For questions please call me, Jakob, +46725775711, or drop me a line at

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

HR manager Anna Wikman
HR manager Anna Wikman
Researcher Jakob Wallöf
Jakob Wallöf
Reseracher Jakob Wallöf

Jakob Wallöf

Rekrytering och HR-chef Anna Wikman

Jakob Wallöf


Elinor Taiwo
072-507 57 19


  • Arbetsplats: FYNDIQ AB
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Lön enligt överenskommelse
  • Heltid Anställningstid enligt överenskommelse
  • Publicerat: 4 mars 2015





Liknande jobb

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