Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Senior Machine Learning Engineer


Ever applied for a job that suited you perfectly, but didn’t even get a call-back for a first interview? Yeah, it has happened to most of us. But sadly, it often happens for the wrong reasons. For instance, you have a 60% less chance to get a callback if you have an Arabic-sounding name. If it was for a leadership role, you are less likely to get it if you are a woman, or if you are short (yes, you read that correctly, short!).
But it doesn’t have to be like this. There are alternatives to hire based on the stuff that really matters, based on who the person behind the CV is. Alva is one of those alternatives. We are now looking for a Senior Machine Learning Engineer that can help us drive growth, and help our customers to start implementing the future of hiring, today! 🚀
The company
Alva Labs offers a SaaS solution that is helping global companies hire in a scientific way. Our unique candidate assessment platform helps companies build their organizations with the right people in the right place. By combining state-of-the-art psychometrics, data science, and an obsession with candidate experience, we provide an industry-leading tool for data-driven talent acquisition.
The role
Our psychometric assessments are truly the core of the Alva product. Test development at Alva is built on top of strong scientific findings in the area of personnel assessment and selection. We rely on a data science toolbox in Python (NumPy, Pandas, Scipy, Matplotlib) and GCP (BigQuery, Vertex AI) to manipulate, analyze and visualize data. Our models are implemented in the probabilistic programming language NumPyro and we use cutting-edge sampling techniques to estimate item parameters.
As we grow, we need to scale up our testing capabilities. Among other things, this means refining, packaging, and scaling up our internal psychometric software.
The main areas of responsibility will include:
Being part of building the core of our product to help our companies make better hiring decisions.
Develop robust and scalable data processing and modeling projects.
Automate parts of the test development process.
Develop and improve algorithms for estimation of psychological traits and abilities.
Collaborate with software engineers, data analysts, people scientists, sales representatives and customer success managers.
Explore the capabilities of Large Language Models in the domain of talent acquisition.

To be a fit for this role, you have studied mathematics and quantitative methods in any field with a substantial degree of complexity and statistical uncertainty (e.g. engineering, economics, political science, physics, biology). You have worked with real data, ideally in large volumes, and appreciate the importance of automation, testing, and reproducibility for data processing.
Other things that make you a qualified candidate are:
Solid knowledge in Python and SQL.
Curiosity and learning agility.
Reliability - you complete what you take on with high standards for quality.
Self-motivation and enthusiasm - you know how to get things done, on your own or together with others.
Strong communicator - able to explain complex statistical concepts in a digestible way.
The working language at Alva is English.
Swedish is not a requirement for this position

Bonus requirements that will make you stand out:
Experience in building software powered by Large Language Models is highly meriting.
Experience in Bayesian modeling using Stan, PyMC, NumPyro, Turing, BlackJAX, or any other probabilistic programming language is highly meriting.
Knowledge in modern test theory (Item Response Theory / Latent Trait Theory) is meriting.

Your future colleagues
We are in total a team of 70ish people, representing 18 different nationalities and a wide selection of professional backgrounds. We are based in central Stockholm - but apply a hybrid remote work setup - with a collective and extensive experience in building and growing tech companies, psychology, psychometrics, data science, engineering, and product design.
Why join Alva?
The problem we are solving has a tremendous impact on both people and businesses. You will have the opportunity to work with something that truly makes a difference. We are now entering an exciting phase of our company journey, and this role will be central to where we go next!
Welcome to Alva!


  • Arbetsplats: Alva Labs AB Stockholm
  • 1 plats
  • Tills vidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 4 december 2023
  • Ansök senast: 3 januari 2024


Sankt Eriksplan 2 1TR
Stockholm, 11320

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