Social Entrepreneur

Social Entrepreneur


About the company
BøthOfUs AB ( is a company for profit where we work on social impact projects by following UN SDG goals of 2030.
We collaborate with startups and create our own projects as well.
The team is international with 6 people in Sweden and 8 people in other places of the world.

What are we looking for
We are looking for young and motivated people anyone in the age of 20 to 40.
Someone who can work with people from different nationality
Really cares for society
Innovative and also creative
willing to take challenges
Not give up easily
Based in Sweden
Can handle stress
Be generous
Has knowledge in using internet and social medias
Do not judge people
Can travel once a month within EU

More info about the role
You will be trained for this role, however having basic care for society and good attitude recommended strongly.
The role will start as Intern for a month or two, based on the learning and also on compassion, more options are likely to be opened.



Hammarby Kaj 10 D
Stockholm, 12030

Liknande jobb

6 december 2023

15 november 2023