Specialist for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Specialist for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care


Vi erbjuder
We are looking for a Specialist and/or Junior Specialist, with minimum 2 years’ experience,  to join our team at our department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care.

Our department is one of the biggest departments at Oskarshamn Hospital.

We are approximately 110 employees at our department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care..

We want you to be flexible with a great drive and the ability to see the bigger picture. You are a great team player with a positive attitude. You are curious to learn and want to grow in your profession as a specialist at our department. Our motto is that the best interest of the patient always comes first.

Our team consists of a good mixture of both experienced and new colleagues with fresh knowledge from universities. Together we create a workplace with great commitment and participation, where everyone has the opportunity to be involved and influence decisions.

Vi söker
Registered Specialist and/or Junior Specialist at department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care within the EU/EEA

Basic computer skills in Microsoft office

English and Swedish language skills

Terms of employment

Before moving to Sweden you need to reach B2 level in the Swedish language. Your license as a Specialist and/or Junior Specialist at department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care needs to be recognized by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. https://


Your employment will start with an introduction period. We provide further language studies in Swedish to reach the C1 level. If the trial period will be proved satisfactory and you demonstrate required skills recognized by the County Council of Kalmar, it will automatically turn into a permanent employment.

All contracts follow local and national collective agreements. Salary are set individually depending on your qualification and experience.

How to apply

Send your application to

Jacqueline.doohan@regionkalmar.se and inez.dekker@regionkalmar.se

Subject: Specialist and/or Junior Specialist at department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Your applications should include personal letter and CV.

Vår arbetsplats
Oskarshamn is located along the beautiful south east coast of Sweden which is very popular in the summer season due to its warm and sunny climate and location near the Baltic Sea.

Oskarshamn is a popular summer destination which has idyllic places to visit with beautiful nature surroundings.

At wintertime you will find places for cross-country skiing in our county as well as possibilities for alpine skiing within an hour from Oskarshamn.

Oskarshamn Hospital lies in the south of County Kalmar and close to the Baltic Sea, which means you are working and living in beautiful nature surroundings.

With the Gotland’s Ferry you can visit the beautiful Island Gotland directly from Oskarshamn. Another Island Öland, part of our county Kalmar is about 45 min drive from Oskarshamn.  On both Islands you’ll find many beaches and idyllic places to visit.

Many Europeans have already made their permanent move to Kalmar county and are now working and living here.

The hospital in Oskarshamn is a part of Region Kalmar

We have been voted being the best small hospital in Sweden several times the last couple of years.

Vi är en del av Oskarshamns sjukhus, som är ett litet sjukhus med snabba beslutsvägar och nära kontakter mellan enheterna. Våra medarbetares ständiga utvecklingsarbete gör att vi når goda resultat i flera olika nationella mätningar, bland annat har vi utsetts till Sveriges bästa mindre sjukhus flera gånger de senaste åren. Sjukhuset ligger nära Oskarshamns centrum och skärgård.

Sjukhuset är en del av Region Kalmar län. Tillsammans jobbar vi och våra 7 000 kollegor för ett friskare, tryggare och rikare liv för länets invånare. Vi ansvarar för hälso- och sjukvård, tandvård, folkhögskolor, kultur, kollektivtrafik och regional utveckling. Vi möter människor i livets alla skeden och har ett meningsfullt och utvecklande arbete - varje dag.

Vi vill att du bifogar CV och personligt brev till din ansökan.

För att kvalitetssäkra rekryteringsprocessen i Region Kalmar län vill vi att du söker tjänsten i vårt rekryteringssystem och inte via e-post eller i pappersformat.

Vi tar gärna emot samtal från dig som är intresserad av jobbet men tackar nej till dig som säljer annonser och rekryteringstjänster.


  • Arbetsplats: Oskarshamns sjukhus
  • 1 plats
  • Tills vidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 13 april 2022
  • Ansök senast: 11 maj 2022

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