Doktorand student in education


The activities of the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL) include extensive education at undergraduate and graduate levels as well as research in the subjects Disability Research, Education, Psychology, Sociology, Didactics and Pedagogical Work.

Announces 3 positions as

Doctoral student in Education, specialising in Adults learning.

Adults learning encompass the activities and the contexts where adults learn, in formal arrangements as well as in various informal and every day life contexts.
The Division for Research in Adult education, Higher education and Popular adult education at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning has a strong international profile and is part of a worldwide network for research and doctoral education, DoctoRALnet (

Duties: The available position comprises own doctoral education and research within the field of Adults learning. The doctoral student should focus principally on the scientific training. However, a doctoral student may engage, to a limited extent, in teaching, research and administration. Such commitments may not exceed 20 percent of full working hours before the doctoral degree has been obtained.

One of the positions is particularly designated to the field of Popular adult education and is linked to the Swedish national network for research in popular adult education, Mimer (

The other two positions are designated to the fields of Adult education and Higher education respectively.

Qualifications: General qualifications for admission to doctoral education is a first degree of at least 180 ECTS, or the equivalent knowledge acquired in other ways. In addition, at least 90 ECTS (including an independent report at bachelor level) is required in a subject of relevance to the field of Adult Learning.

LiU continues to develop as an attractive and creative work place characterized by equal opportunities, and actively promotes diversity and gender equality. Applications from men and women are equally welcome.

Appointment time: The appointment will be until further notice for a maximum of one year at a time. A doctoral student may be employed during a period not exceeding eight years. The total time of appointment must not exceed the equivalent of four years' full time research.

Application procedure: The application should comprise of the following:
. A resume/CV together with certified copies of the applicants' qualification documents
. Complete personal contact details, including name, address, telephone number, email
. A short description of the applicants' background of relevance for the field of Adults learning.
. A short description of the applicants' knowledge/research interests within the field of Adults learning.
. Preivous publications, particularly the Bachelor's or Master's thesis.
. Applicants should state whether their application is specifically aiming at the position designated to popular adult education. (Mimer). The applicant is also considered for the other positions available.
The application should be written in Swedish or English. Applications, which arrive too late, will not be considered


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