English teacher


Europaskolan, founded in 1998, is a family of state-funded international schools located in Södermalm (grades 0-9) and Vasastan (grades 0-7).

We specialize in mathematics and language, with a particular focus on our languages of instruction, Swedish and English.
Europaskolan is the only school in the Stockholm area authorized to run the IB's PYP and MYP programs in concert with the Swedish national curriculum, LGR 11. We have been IB-authorized since 2008.

Europaskolan's staff is international; several have foreign teaching degrees and English as their native tongue. Our staff is comprised of experienced, motivated, hard-working individuals who continually aim to develop the school into Sweden's finest.

We are currently seeking a qualified English teacher (lärarexamen/lärarlegitimation or international equivalent) for grades 6-9. It is a full-time position and you must be a native speaker to apply. Experience in teaching in the MYP is desirable but not a requirement.

To be an English teacher at Europaskolan you must be capable of:
- managing and engaging classes of between 22 and 24 students
- creating dynamic and interesting units of study within the framework of the IB and Swedish national curricula
- integrating other subject groups into your teaching
- integrating classroom technology into your daily lessons

The level of English instruction at Europaskolan is advanced. Our students have been exposed to a great deal of English from the time they enter the school. Preschool and after-school care (fritids) are primarily conducted in English, as are music, physical education, arts, and design technology. By the ninth grade all students are capable of a wide array of high level tasks from scientific debates in English to in-depth analyses of advanced English literature. Although the primary language of instruction at Europaskolan is Swedish, our students' proficiency in English is among the highest in the country as evidenced by their results on the national tests.

Further information about our school is available on www.europaskolan.nu. Learn more about the International Baccalaureate on www.ibo.org.

Artiklar i detta ämnet

  1. Skolans ansvar för fostran
  2. Utbildningsmaterial för att skydda barns hörsel

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Rektor Roggeskolan Anna-Lena Andersson
0152 33 11 05 076-7675007
Rektor Thomas Axelsson
0152331103 0702359922
Rektor/vd Anna-Lena Bresell
0152 33 11 05 076-7675007
Rektor/vd Anna-Lena Bresell
0152 33 11 05 076-7675007
Rektor Thomas Axelsson
0152331103 0702359922
Adm C/bitr rektor Olympia Berterud
0152 33 1108
Rektor Ulf Jonsson


  • Arbetsplats: Europaskolan STOCKHOLM
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • 6 month probationary period that can lead to a permanent (tillsvidare) position.
  • Publicerat: 19 mars 2014


Gotlandsgatan 43



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